The testimony that becomes martyrdom
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The testimony that becomes martyrdom
"The disciple of Christ is a witness.
Christian witness experiences difficulties it can become martyrdom.
It is a short step; indeed, it is precisely the martyrdom that gives value to the testimony.
Remember Saint Paul:
"I earnestly desire even to die to be with Christ".
Behold, this desire becomes a desire for communion that transcends even life.”

If everyone does something
If everyone does something
"Our initiatives and those of volunteers must be a sign.
It is not something that can transform Brancaccio.
This is an illusion that we cannot afford.
It is only a sign to provide other models, especially to young people.
We do it to be able to say: since there is nothing,
we want to roll up our sleeves and build something.
And if everyone does something, then you can do a lot ...”

God gives us strength
God gives us strength
"Love for God purifies and liberates, this does not mean that we are depersonalized, but rather our personality is exalted and strengthened, that is, a new potential is given to our natural faculties, to our intelligence. A new light is given to our will.”